Trouble by Property Type
Distress exists across all property types due to maturing loans or financially challenged owners, although each sector faces specific issues as well. It is no surprise that trouble has emerged first and is currently the greatest for development projects, where an estimated $7b in construction financing is in default or already foreclosed. The quantity of potentially troubled developments currently identified is roughly $5b, a low estimate. The retail sector has the largest pipeline of potentially troubled properties, with many large retail owners such as Centro and General Growth facing significant financing hurdles plus a growing number of retail tenants filing for bankruptcy protection. The hotel sector, already seeing its fair share of distress, could see that grow sharply as both business and leisure travel have been severely curtailed in recent months. The apartment sector, which includes failed condo conversions, has the highest number of properties in peril. While this analysis includes only those property types that RCA traditionally tracks, information on other major commercial properties in distress is available online.
Types of Trouble
A vast array of troubles at the property, ownership, or financing level can cause a property to become distressed. RCA has grouped these factors in this fashion. Property issues can occur when a sole tenant goes bankrupt or a development or redevelopment falls behind, goes over budget, or fails to achieve leasing or sales goals. At the ownership level, bankruptcy of the general partner or other financial pressures of an over-levered owner often lead to distressed situations. Ownership may change as well if a mezzanine lender assumes control from equity providers, a sure sign of trouble. Financing issues occur when the mortgage is facing a near-term maturity or is already past maturity. In this tough credit environment, many borrowers are having difficulty refinancing their mortgages even though the mortgage may be current and the property has no problems. None of the property, ownership, or financing issues are mutually exclusive and often some combination of issues is present in a distressed situation.
Trouble by Metropolitan Market
In this downturn, no market is immune to troubled commercial property. At least 20 metropolitan areas in the US are facing $1b or more of distressed or potentially troubled commercial property. Metro New York and Los Angeles, the locations of many highly leveraged acquisitions in 2006 and 2007, account for $23b of possible and actual problem loans. Distress has also emerged first in the once high-flying development markets in South Florida and Las Vegas. Markets such as Phoenix, Houston and Atlanta have the most number of properties at risk although most are not yet formally classified as distressed. Chicago is another market to watch because of its concentration of properties and developments at risk.
Where the Trouble Lies
Distressed assets have already appeared in almost every significant commercial property market in the United States. The potentially Troubled map is a rude awakening of what to expect in 2009.Troubled Asset Methodology
Real Capital Analytics has established methodology outlining the Troubled Assets Radar (TAR) which it will continually update and expand as this downturn evolves and new situations emerge. A complete version of the TAR methodology is available for download at www.rcanalytics.com and relevant portions are provided below.RCA endeavors to maintain the most current tracking of distressed and potentially troubled properties as possible, and it is the largest compilation known to be available, but it is far from complete. In addition, RCA may not be aware of all the issues regarding a property or mortgage nor is it fully informed if a troubled situation is resolved.
TAR Value Estimates: RCA uses the mortgage balance, when known, or a conservative approximation of the property value based on recent sales or offering prices to assign a value to each property. These estimates are utilized for analysis and quantification of the data, but are not displayed on an individual asset basis.
TAR Sourcing: RCA uses existing public and proprietary sources thought to be reliable. A record is maintained for each property to log each source, its date and the nature of the information.
Property Types: This analysis includes only office, industrial, retail, apartment/condo, hotel, land and commercial developments generally valued $2.5 million or greater. However, the TAR program will track a broader array of commercial property types than most of RCA’s core products.
Distressed Asset Categories
Troubled: Includes mortgages that are in default or delinquent, usually evidenced by a recorded Notice of Default or the mortgage being assigned to special servicer. Also includes situations where a foreclosure notice has been filed or the property is placed in administration or receivership. Includes situations where the owning entity or general partner has filed bankruptcy or the sole tenant is in liquidation. Other indications of a troubled mortgage may be actions taken by the mezzanine lender to secure its position.Lender REO: Signifies the completion of a foreclosure process where the ownership of the property transfers back to the lender. This can occur through a deed-in-lieu, action process, or court order.
Non-Distressed Asset Categories
Potentially Troubled: Includes properties where the ownership is known to be in financial distress although often, there is no direct knowledge of property level distress. Potentially Troubled also includes mortgage loans that are known to be facing maturity deadlines in 2009 or that have previously been extended on a short-term basis.Delayed/Abandoned Developments: Although not included in this analysis, RCA offers information on commercial and residential development projects that have been deferred or abandoned which are often the source of troubled assets, but not all are or will ever be troubled. However, in a number of situations there is likely a development site no longer needed or land loan that could be at risk.

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